Personalized portfolios
Setting Bache Capital Management apart is its strategy of structuring portfolios for individual needs.
Financial Planner, Investment Company in Pasadena and Portland
Let us help you navigate
your financial future
and help you achieve financial peace.
Are you on the right
path to retirement?
We can help you set your course.
We can help you build
a solid portfolio
to maximize profit & minimize risk.
Let us help give you
financial peace of mind
for you and your family.
We structure a financial plan
unique to your needs.
Everyone’s goals are different.
Personalized portfolios
Setting Bache Capital Management apart is its strategy of structuring portfolios for individual needs.
Provide a safe environment
We employ our knowledge of the bond markets to provide a safe environment during fluctuating interest rates.
Investment philosophy
Clients must take an inventory of their needs and attitudes toward investing in order to select a suitable investment philosophy.
Preparing for tomorrow
It’s never too early to start thinking about retirement and how to plan financially for the golden years.
Bache Capital Management, Inc., a personal service financial firm, offers peace of mind to the individual investor. The firm’s goal is to manage your wealth so as to maximize growth and minimize risk. We endeavor to achieve above average risk adjusted performance by investing primarily in industry leaders less likely to show wide fluctuations through a market cycle. We structure portfolios for individual needs. We do not have a “boilerplate” formula, we take into consideration your income needs and tax requirements and structure a financial plan to meet your goals. LEARN MORE >
Daniel E. Nagy is President and Chief Investment Officer of Bache Capital Management, responsible for portfolio management, research, and trading. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience.
Bache Capital Management
321 19th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90402
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Phone: 310-850-3868